Industry Course Categories
Please select the correct Category applicable to your industry or Country
The CPD courses are accredited through various Built Environment, Institutes/Councils, and Certified CPD Certificates will be issued under the following terms:
All modules in each course need to be completed.
- The pass rate per module is 50 – 65% ( you need to answer 2 out of 3 questions correctly, in order to move on to the next module)
- If you do not reach the pass rate, you will need to review the full module video again and take another try at the questions.
- Questions and answers are scrambled around with each retry.
All in-course video time gets recorded/tracked and is taken into consideration before issuing CPD Certificates:
- You need to have watched more than 85% of the course video to qualify for your CPD Certificate.
- You only get one chance to complete the course successfully (as the system only records the time of the 1st video viewing)
- You need to pass all the quizzes in each module.
- Just completing and passing the quizzes without watching the course content video, will not qualify you for your CPD Certificate. You will be asked to complete the course again to qualify for your CPD Credits. This will entail, us deleting your whole profile, including all finished courses, and you need to start from scratch.
We submit a course completion report of the courses to the various Built environment councils and Institutes on the 2nd of each month, for the issuing of CPD certificates.
The relevant professional bodies, normally issue the certificates within 30 days of us submitting our report, but it can take longer.
The relevant professional bodies will give us access to the CPD Certificates for each individual, who successfully completed the full course, to load onto for you to download.
You can download your certificates under the ‘CPD Certificates’ on the home page of
The CPD certificates will be available on the website for a period of 12 months ( March-March), after that, you will need to contact the professional body, through which the course is accredited, for a copy of your CPD certificate.